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SNOW_RAKE-212a - Sound-AttitudeTM for Push Snow Shovel/Rake


Our new SNOW_RAKE-212a system combines a Sound-AttitudeTM {US Pat. # 6,199,731 B1} Double Strap Harness for Push Snow Shovel {winter use} and for Rake {spring and fall use} to help save precious human energy expended during general use and when retrieving dropped shovels and rakes that slow up progress and drain energy resources.

Utilizing the energy saving SNOW_RAKE-212a in place of a snow blower {light snow approximately 1 to 2 inches in dept.} saves on fuel costs and is a better form of exercise than snow blowing thereby making the double harness system much cheaper, quieter and more enjoyable to operate.

Get more value as the SNOW_RAKE-212a system attaches to rakes to help save your back by gripping and pulling on the MISC-212b connector strap that attaches by way of a MISC-215a D-Ring Bracket with worm gear clamp allowing you to stand straighter while pulling on the rake handle with both hands that also allows for gently raking around newly growing springtime plants.

Items included in the SNOW_RAKE-212a - Sound-AttitudeTM for Push Snow Shovel/Rake system:

1 pc. - SACR-60b Sound-AttitudeTM Double Harness w/two Female (center release) Buckles (clips uncovered)

1 pc. - MISC-212b - One Strap Long Center Release Male for Sound-AttitudeTM Snow Shovel/Rake

1 pc. - MISC-215a D-Ring Bracket with worm gear clamp

Note: Items sold together as one unit.

Watch video demonstrations:

1. Snow shoveling


2. Leaf raking


Download Pamphlet: SNOW_RAKE-212a system pamphlet

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