I, Randy–Alcide: Lehoux, Beneficiary, Administrator and Principal-Trustee over cestui que trust, RANDY ALCIDE LEHOUX, Judge over The JUST US Files Court {Private} and Deputy Private Attorney General, do declare that the offices of Pratt & Whitney are abandoned of competent senior management since none of its paid individuals will take responsibility for the crimes I've witnessed or discovered being committed by the corporation, against me, or others, therefore invoking the rescue doctrine is necessary for me, as the living with the most to lose from waiting nonsensically to be paid for work done by an unresponsive and abandoned General Manager's office denying my Petition of Right meant to replace the duel, as trial-by-combat, with the more sensible and peaceful approach of having the right to due process of laws.

Cestui que trust, RANDY LEHOUX is an employee entitled to fair pay but that is impossible as shown by the General Manager's inability to truthfully and intelligently provide answers to my special appearance challenge, as the living, in judicial comity, to RAYTHEON having lawful jurisdiction, for they're operating out of compliance with the laws and its contractual obligations, therefore making it imperatively necessary speedily for me to save my own life and living, natural human existence from the General Manager's dereliction to duty, that is a national security risk given that RAYTHEON, as a defense contractor for our nation, must not be a Trojan Horse benefiting our adversaries who would deny the living the right to use natural powers and unalienable rights to prevent corporations from committing crime them.

When crimes are committed by another living, natural human being, the victim may engage in trial-by-combat as self-defense, however in this instant matter, the perpetrator is a legally-dead, unnatural-person, and it their puppeteer General Managers are concealing the true perpetrators of the crimes being committed against me, or others, that are not in dispute by the same General Managers thereby putting the company at risk of consequences from not using due diligence to investigate crimes committed by the company, as well as, to obey the lawful commands of whoever has competent subject-matter jurisdiction to give lawful orders, and no senior manager of RAYTHEON has competent subject-matter jurisdiction when the senior managers remain unresponsive to the probable cause, effectively aiding and abetting in the continuation of those crimes.

Its the same nonsense of RAYTHEON senior management actively concealing crime to prevent the living from privately prosecuting, immediately at common-law, corporate betrayers of the nation’s oath of office that recognizes that living, natural human beings have the right of self-defense and the duty and unalienable right of preventing crime and enforcing the People’s ordinance, the Constitution, that’s the highest law of the nation. RAYTHEON’s senior management violates the policy against threatening one another, while contrarily letting stand the termination of RANDY LEHOUX's employment when he was actively following company policy by using the "open door policy" and "communicating with other members of management, he was providing them with information relating to his supervisor's incompetence, and the claimant's supervisor [like today’s senior managers] interpreted this to be harassment”. [Maine Department of Labor, Division of Administrative Hearings Officer Nancy Beaudette’s 9-10-2004 decision in Randy A Lehoux v UTC Shared Business Services, Case No. 2004 A 05847, page 2, paragraph 3.]

Accordingly, I continue my private posse, in esse cry de pais, in fresh pursuit of known and unknown felons of the STATE OF MAINE CONSPIRACY OF HIGH TREASON, to include the legally-dead, unnatural-person RAYTHEON, STATE OF MAINE, INCORPORATED, et al., by invoking the rescue doctrine under my private court's order and written contract rendering private court counseling services to hear the frivolous complaint of Senior Managements and public officials that are responsible for allowing witnessed or discovered abuses to become their customary, best practices, that they justify by a silence equal to fraud meant to actively continue the ongoing crimes and offenses being committed against me, or others.

Whereby "silence can only be equated with fraud when there is a legal or moral duty to speak, or where an inquiry left unanswered would be intentionally misleading... We cannot condone this shocking conduct...If that is the case we hope our message is clear. This sort of deception will not be tolerated and if this is routine it should be corrected immediately”. [U.S. v. Tweel, 550 F.2d 297, 299-300 (1977)]

CRY DE PAYS, OR CRI DE PAIS. Literally, cry of the country. In England, when a felony has been committed, hue and cry (q. v.) may be raised by the country, in the absence of the constable. It is then cry de pays. 2 Hale, P. C. 100. [Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856]

Please enjoy this new and updated technology for holding municipal-corporate and corporate bodies in compliance with the People's ordinance, the Constitution, as well as, their own bylaws, statutes, rules and policies. Until those served by my private court’s order answer to the undisputed facts, evidence, and conclusions made publicly herein and elsewhere within this domain, I must hold that the municipal-corporate and licensed-corporate bodies identified herein lack the subject-matter jurisdiction to deny my private posse, made up of the living, having competent subject-matter jurisdiction and the articulable, probable cause of crime or offense to seize the consent of these legally-dead, unnatural-persons so as to interrupt the perpetrating corporation’s manager’s privileges to operate the business within the boundaries and protections of our nation.

RAYTHEON on 1/20/2024 attempted to have delivered to legally-dead, natural-person RANDY LEHOUX, that in nature is a cestui que trust, a DO NOT TRESPASS ORDER that I, Randy–Alcide: Lehoux, Beneficiary, may not consent to according to the principles of law relating to my active Petitions of Right since trying to get me to do so is likely an attempt to fail my Petitions for making it appear that I consent to resorting to “an inferior action” or “assistance, derived from it” that’s nonsensical to conclude that I, Lehoux, BENE, would want to surrender my natural powers and unalienable rights to conduct my lawful business of preventing the crimes witnessed or discovered being committed by legally-dead, unnatural-persons against me, or others. Regardless of what I, Lehoux, BENE, say, write, or what actions I take as a living, natural human being, I’m reserving all of my natural powers and unalienable rights to continue enforcing my Petitions of Right, the People’s ordinance, the Constitution, and the municipal-corporate and licensed-corporate bylaws, statutes, rules and policies.

A summo remedio ad inferiorem actionem non habetur regressus, neque auxilium. From (after using) the highest remedy, there can be no recourse (going back) to an inferior action, nor assistance, (derived from it.) Fleta, lib. 6, c. 1 , § 2.

A maxim in the old law of real actions, when there were grades in the remedies given ; the rule being that a party who brought a writ of right, which was the highest writ in the law, could not afterwards resort or descend to an inferior remedy. Bract. 112b ; 3 Bl. Comm. 193, 194. [See Black's Law Dictionary 1st Ed.]

It’s repugnant to the Constitution, and defies the laws of nature for a legally-dead entity to not be confronted after breaching my king’s peace, as the living, having witnessed or discovered their crimes being committed against me, or others, so it defies nature, contract-law, and commonsense for Lehoux, BENE, to be told what to do by legally-dead, cestui que trusts, that have no contractual hold over my living, natural human being, and are derelict in their duties while abandoning their offices when confronted with lawfully-posed questions meant to prevent crime or offense from breaching the private-laws of my real-sovereign realm.

RAYTHEON, by not answering to my private court’s facts, evidence, and conclusions, has accepted that what I’m holding as a debt, is a true bill. Silence is golden.

These are standard forms to use on any corporation:

1.       02 - PLA COVID-19 First Contact Counter Offer

a.       Use a standard form, logic system to confront a municipal-corporation or corporation witnessed or discovered committing crime against you, or others, while applying a contractual barrier to prevent the frivolous use of your time.

2.       03 - PLA Identity and Status of Subjects

a.       Use a standard form, logic system to find the true leader of a municipal-corporation or corporation witnessed or discovered committing crime against you, or others, while opening your private court to provide private court, counseling services under the fees, terms and conditions of your written contract that's applying a contractual barrier, i.e., a meeting of the minds, to prevent the frivolous use of your time.

3.       03.1 - PLA Testimony of Subjects

a.       Use a standard form, logic system to lawfully inquire into the COVID-19 murder-for-hire scheme and artifice crime spree witnessed or discovered being committed by municipal-corporations and corporations against the living, and humanity itself.

These are specialized forms to use on RAYTHEON a corporation:

4.       Brochure Order of Attachment RAYTHEON

a.       Copy and modify, use or reference this private court's order as an entry tool called upon in the document [02 - PLA COVID-19 First Contact Counter Offer] that's an active incident report for questioning and challenging the jurisdiction of RAYTHEON management as derelict in their duties for abandoning their office to avoid accountability for wrongs supported by probable cause.

5.       Raytheon Technologies Corp FRESH PURSUIT

a.       Copy and modify, use or reference this checklist and questionnaire on RAYTHEON senior management that's abandoned their offices to avoid being questioned on their being derelict in their duties for abandoning their office to avoid accountability for wrongs supported by probable cause.

6.       Raytheon Technologies Corp PRIVATE POSSES DECREES

a.       Copy and modify, use or reference my active, perpetually accumulating, true bill not disputed by the legally-dead, unnatural-person RAYTHEON or it's senior management that's abandoned their offices to avoid being questioned on their derelict in their duties for abandoning their office to avoid accountability for wrongs supported by probable cause.

These are specialized documents that support the private actions of my private Court:

7.       2023-7-12 SSA Contract Breach Questions Transcripts

a.       [Postal Rule Contract ending in 8256] is confirmed breached by unnatural-person Social Security Administration verifying that Randy–Alcide: Lehoux, Beneficiary, is the MASTER chosen by due process of SSA to settle the false earnings record of employee RANDY LEHOUX, that in nature is a cestui que trust.

8.       2024-1-17 Visit Left Message with HR Manager

a.       No response is heard from PRATT & WHITNEY's Human Resources Manager and the crimes committed by RAYTHEON against Lehoux, BENE and LEHOUX, TRUST continue while the offices of it's senior management remain abandoned and in need of private rescue by the living with their natural powers and unalienable rights to prevent crime.

These are specialized forms to use on STATE OF MAINE, INCORPORATED:

9.       State of Maine Corp FRESH PURSUIT

a.       Copy and modify, use or reference this checklist and questionnaire on STATE OF MAINE, INCORPORATED's senior administrators that have abandoned their offices to avoid being questioned on their being derelict in their duties for abandoning their office to avoid accountability for wrongs supported by probable cause.


a.       Copy and modify, use or reference my active, perpetually accumulating, true bill not disputed by the legally-dead, unnatural-person STATE OF MAINE, INCORPORATED or it's senior administrators that's abandoned their offices to avoid being questioned on their derelict in their duties for abandoning their office to avoid accountability for wrongs supported by probable cause.

11.   Brochure Order of Attachment STATE OF MAINE

a.       Copy and modify, use or reference this private court's order as an entry tool called upon in the document [02 - PLA COVID-19 First Contact Counter Offer] that's an active incident report for questioning and challenging the jurisdiction of STATE OF MAINE, INCORPORATED administrators as derelict in their duties for abandoning their office to avoid accountability for wrongs supported by probable cause.

These are specialized forms to use on STATE OF MAINE, INCORPORATED, et al., police:

12.   08 - PLA Writ of Habeas Corpus for information

a.       Use this form for compelling police to bring a judge to your location, before interrupting your lawful business of preventing crimes from being committed against you, if you have the "right words" to prove yourself to be a competent jurisdiction and the best suited to prevent the crime in question.

13.   08 - PLA Writ of Habeas Corpus for release

a.       Use this form for compelling a municipal-corporate, administrative judge to set you free from false imprisonment that's interrupting your lawful business of preventing crimes from being committed against you, if you have the "right words" to prove yourself to be a competent jurisdiction and the best suited to prevent the crime in question.

These are general forms to use on any corporation committing crime against you:

14.   Receipt Page

a.       Fully identifying yourself to a corporation being rescued will ensure transparency, good accounting practices, honesty, and integrity for everyone when combined with a receipt page indicating what was seized, when, and by whom, that will later be followed up by reducing the total amount owed by the amount the item was sold at.