Introducing the Pivot-PadTM Guitar Cushion Support from Guitar Suspension Solutions DBA

Also available from Guitar Suspension Solutions introducing my patented Pivot-PadTM Guitar Cushion Support.

Pivot-PadTM is a versatile cushion support for seated play with a guitar or banjo that can be used alone in place of a strap or can be combined with a strap like the Bod-LockTM 2-in-1 Guitar Strap for extra support. U.S. Patent No. 6,528,712

Introducing the Bod-LockTM 2-in-1 Guitar Strap from Guitar Suspension Solutions dba

The Guitar Suspension Solutions store is now open and I want to introduce my patented Bod-LockTM 2-in-1 Guitar Strap.

The versatile Bod-LockTM 2-in-1 Guitar Strap configures three ways giving greater control over angling, positioning and provides more ways to distribute the weight of the guitar or banjo during seated play when placed around the hips instead of over the shoulders. Watch a video or read the instructions for more information. U.S. Patent No. 6,250,525